My 2024/2025 registration pack

Specific situations: Inclusion

Special needs

Do you have a special needs (dyslexia, chronic disabling illness, depression, motor disorder, etc.)? EM Normandie can offer you a full range of support, whether it’s for your courses and exams, your search for internships, work experience or a job, or preparing for your expatriation.

Contact our Balance and Inclusion department now, in complete confidentiality, which already assists more than 300 students with special needs on all our campuses:

Committed since 2008 to the Handicap charter of the Conférence des Grandes Écoles (CGE), which will be renewed in 2019, the School has put in place a comprehensive system to promote the inclusion of students with special needs and works to make it as easy as possible for students to learn, continue their studies, socialise within the School and enter the world of work.

  • Three special needs officers,
  • Schooling arrangements,
  • Job placement advice,
  • Preparation for expatriation,
  • Digital accessibility,
  • Specific training for teachers and support services.

EM Normandie is also actively involved in the the “Special needs” working group of the Conférence des Grandes Écoles, which aims to optimise the inclusion of students with special needs in business and engineering schools.


The School is committed to providing a caring and secure environment for its students, so that everyone can freely express their potential. Whatever your gender identity or sexual/romantic orientation, rest assured that EM Normandie is at your side to enable you to simply be you.

Are you going through a transition (particularly administrative) or do you have any questions about our policy and commitments to the LGBTQIA+ community? Contact our Balance and Inclusion department now, in complete confidentiality:

For your information, in 2022 EM Normandie, along with 7 other establishments, signed the first LGBT+ commitment charter for higher education from l’Autre Cercle, the leading association for the inclusion of LGBTQIA+ people.

For more information, contact the Balance and Inclusion department:
EM Normandie

Balance and Inclusion department